We assist in finding the optimal disposal path tailored to each asset’s unique profile.
Maximise disposal values by selling all vehicle assets directly to an end-user through our online corporate marketplace.
Retailing gets you past ‘blanket treatment’ disposals, allowing you to market and sell vehicle assets with a retail profile to a pre-approved buyer base – all online.”
Dispose of your vehicle assets through our online auction marketplace of 7000 vetted professional buyers specialising in all vehicle assets.
Auctioning gives you the immediacy of sale with the broadest number of buyers in a competitive arena to guarantee that you achieve the highest possible selling price.
Leverage our data resources, technology and industry expertise to improve your decision-making at every stage of your fleet’s lifecycle.
We first understand your depreciation calculations and then assess the current condition of your assets with electronic inspections.
We perform live price modelling with advanced algorithms fed by an integrated database of retail data, auction data and finance data.
We create and recommend the optimal disposal path by matching asset profiles to channel/market profiles.
We create the optimal disposal path tailored to each assets unique profile.